In a previous post I wrote about Mark’s presentation of the
disciples as portraits of human failure and possibility before God. The
disciples, particularly in Mark’s story, do come off as failures, but their
failure does not negate their relationship to Jesus. Indeed, a vitally
important aspect of understanding discipleship in Mark is to grasp as best as
one can this relationship between Jesus and those who follow him in the
narrative. While a Christological dimension of discipleship is present in that
these followers are called to imitate Jesus, there is also a strong sense in
Jesus’ call for them to participate with
him in fulfilling God’s call.
This is evident in a number of references to the disciples being
with Jesus. The calling and appointing of the disciples in 3:13-19 is for the
purpose of being with Jesus and to be sent out to proclaim the message. The
forward position of i/(na w)=sin met’ au)tou= (“for the purpose of being
with him”) indicates that the primary purpose for the calling and appointing of
these disciples is to be in fellowship with Jesus on his mission.
The proclamation (khru/ssein) to which they are also appointed is derived from Jesus’
proclamation (see 1:38 for Jesus’ understanding his purpose for coming to
proclaim), and extends from their having been with him. From this point Jesus
is mostly with his disciples, except at times when he withdraws from them for
prayer (6:46) or when he sends them out (aposte/llein) on mission
There is, however, a concentration of references to Jesus being with
his disciples or his disciples being with him in chapter 14 (vv. 14, 17, 18,
20, 33). These are a mixture of references to this relationship that highlight
Jesus’ intimacy with his co-workers. What may be particularly fascinating is
the fact that the references cited above occur in the context of the Passover
Meal celebration.
In this scene there is a paradoxical portrayal of the relationship
between Jesus and his disciples. On the one hand, the intimacy of the meal is
clear. On the other hand, this intimacy is strained as Jesus predicts that the
one “eating with me” (met’ e)mou=; 14:18),
the one dipping bread into the bowl “with
me” (met’ e)mou; 14:20) will betray him or hand him over (The same word used by
Jesus in his passion/resurrection predictions in Mark.). Yet, this one is not
alone in his guilt, as Jesus predicts that the other disciples will desert him
in his time of need.
Even in the Garden, where Jesus takes James, John and Peter with him
(met’ au)tou=; 14:33), the beginning of the split in the relationship is made as
the disciples fail to stay awake and pray with Jesus during his greatest time
of need for intimacy. The intimacy between Jesus and his disciples, those
chosen to be with him, will now be severely challenged, even damaged, by the
suffering to come.
What may also be interesting is the fact that the mention of someone
being with Jesus does not occur again after the scene in the Garden. Ironically
the idea is present in the scene where the servant-girl in 14:67
questions Peter, “You also were with (meta\) Jesus, the man from Nazareth.” Peter
emphatically denies this accusation. The intimacy of being a co-worker with
Jesus, of sharing in the ministry to which God had called him, and sharing in
the Passover Meal, now gives way for the complete desertion of these disciples
and their estrangement from Jesus.
The movement of Peter from court to forecourt now replaces the
intimacy of the boat, the road, and particularly the table. Peter’s emphatic denial
of ever knowing Jesus reverses his earlier declaration of Jesus as the Messiah
and distances him not only from the one he was called to be with, but also from
the God of Mark’s narrative. Jesus is left as the sole executor of God’s will.
Despite this failure of those called to be with Jesus, the empty
tomb scene serves as the climax of the narrative and the relationship between
Jesus and his followers. The women arrive at the tomb to view the corpse of
their former teacher, but they are instead met by a young man dressed in a
white robe, who proclaims that Jesus has been raised. He orders the women to go
and tell his disciples and Peter that Jesus will meet them in Galilee
The divine power to raise Jesus from the dead reflects the divine
reversal of the tragedy of not only the death of the Beloved Son, but also the
broken relationship between Jesus and those who were called to be with him. The
human failure is replaced by divine faithfulness to the Son and those called to
be with him, as God’s triumph in raising Jesus to life makes possible the
reuniting of Jesus and those called to participate with him.
Moreover, the ending of the narrative with a promise from the
heavenly messenger that Jesus will meet his followers in Galilee leaves the
audience with the continued presence of Jesus with the discipleship community. Instead
of narrating an ascension story, as Matthew and Luke do, Mark ends with the
implication that Jesus is continuing in his ministry on earth with those called
to participate with him.
Therefore, Mark’s narrative presentation of discipleship is two-fold.
On the one hand, disciples are called to follow Jesus as the one who models
doing the will of God. At the same time, however, disciples are called to
participate with Jesus in doing God’s
will. Mark’s Jesus is the paradigm of true faithfulness before God, and those
called to participate with him are called primarily to faithfulness before
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